[stella] Gravitar

Subject: [stella] Gravitar
From: Glenn Saunders <krishna@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 02:32:20 -0700 (PDT)
On Mon, 8 Sep 1997, Nick S Bensema wrote:
> One could say the same thing about Gravitar... the physics on that one
> blow roses, especially considering Space War did better in 2k than Gravitar
> could in 8k.

The physics in Gravitar never make sense, that's the whole reason the game
is difficult.  Gravity direction, polarity, and strength is relative to
certain areas of the screen in many ways.  I think the 2600 Gravitar port
is one of the strongest efforts on the machine. 

The physics in Warlords seems almost intentionally messed up in a
conspicuous way, how those 45' mysterious curves happen, et. al.

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