Re: [stella] Animating the Marbles

Subject: Re: [stella] Animating the Marbles
From: "Eckhard Stolberg" <Eckhard_Stolberg@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 14:55:48 +0200
> I didn't realize anyone had a superchip board.  Anyone know who did
> it?  I'm not sure if I'd use it for this since it's already so far along,
> but maybe for another project.

I think it was Sean Kelly. But he only ordered 250 Dig Dug carts
from Oshea's and took the Superchip from them. I'm not sure if he
modified the complete Dig Dug boards, or if he created a completely
new board for his Elevator Action carts.

This method might be good enough for a limited number release,
but if you wish to make your games available through Hozer as
well, it would probably better to stay with Chris's normal
32K board. The Superchip only provides 128 bytes of RAM, so
Glenn's suggestion for your graphics probably wouldn't work

Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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