Re: [stella] Hello, and.. my game

Subject: Re: [stella] Hello, and.. my game
From: Manuel Polik <cybergoth@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 08 Jun 2002 10:58:19 +0200
Hi there!

>I think an interesting variation would be to have the 
enemies change their 
>movement part-way across the screen.  For instance, one 
row could start off 
>slow, then speed up gradually, then slow down again.  
Another row could 
>start off relatively fast, slow down, and then go in 


That made me just think one step further :-)

I'm sure anybody remember Impossible Mission? What if 
some of the Space Treat obstacles would behave not 
unlike the enemy robots in Impossible Mission?

-There'd be the *stupid* ships floating around, just 
like they do now. Different speeds, random movement, 
certain movement schemes, etc...

-Then there could be *intelligent* ships of two types: 
Ones that speed up, when they *see* you (i.e. when 
they're moving towards you) and ones that can even sense 
you from behind, which would make them turn towards you 

You could somehow make their abillities dependent on 
their look, so that the player can identify which type 
of ship he's facing on the next line and maybe a certain 
color scheme would indicate how dangerous it is - this 
time :-)

Again, for the graphics: I agree with what Erik said 
about weirdness and Q-Bert, but then all in Q-Bert is 
weird, that's the differnce. Q-Bert is not mixing 
something real with weirdness. If there's a clear 
*space* theme to the game, fruits and candys don't make 
sense. (Except when it's Q-Bert piloting the ship, of 
course :-))

As for what else to collect: Make up a background story 
to fit the stuff. It might be E.T. collecting parts for 
a telephone as well as the Keeper of the Seven keys who 
lost all of them in this warp accident. 
But: *just* fruits is not good enough :-)


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