Re: [stella] Space Treat new version

Subject: Re: [stella] Space Treat new version
From: "Albert Yarusso" <albert@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 00:40:28 -0600

> Thanks a lot for the tests, since I'm currently unable to run the game on
> NTSC machine.
> The game should also be rolling-free between the intro screen/level
> screen/game screen transactions...! (could you confirm that?)

I didn't see it rolling anywere, and I just confirmed it again.  No rolling
at all.

> Actually, the game currently does display the final level you've reached
> before getting back to the title screen... did you experience a different
> behaviour?

It only displays it briefly, not really long enough for you to take a
snapshot unless you have the camera ready and you are *VERY* quick.

I'm curious what level you have managed to get to.  I just played several
times and got up to Level 13, and I'm sure I would be able to do better if I
wasn't using this Epyx 500XJ joystick.  I need to try it with a standard
Atari joystick that's in good condition.  :)


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