xsl-list /at/ lists.mulberrytech.com
Thread Index
Last updated: Sat May 31 04:25:23 GMT 2014
153 messages
- Re: [xsl] xsl:initial-template
- Re: [xsl] Grouping By Column Heading (by Position, not by ID or element name)
- Re: [xsl] null stylesheet?
- [xsl] XSL-List Guidelines
- [xsl] Pure Union Type
- [xsl] Functional programming
- [xsl] finding closest node with certain characteristics
- [xsl] Random number generation : requirements
- [xsl] Re: [xquery-talk] Random number generation : requirements
- Adam Retter adam.retter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx - 7 May 2014 18:05:42 -0000
[xsl] format-date() and negative (BCE) dates
[no subject]
[xsl] Echoed messages to the list
[xsl] Transcript of Abel Braaksma' s talk on XSLT streaming at the XML Prague 2014
[xsl] [ANN] Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 Available Now
[xsl] Simple Map Expression Grammar definition in the XPath 3.0 Recommendation
[xsl] XSLT 3.1 ?
[xsl] [ANN] XMLSpectrum updated for XSLT 3.0
[xsl] WARNING org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The child axis starting at a text node will never select anything
[xsl] xsl:apply-imports and (imported) default templates
[xsl] xsl:import and use-when
[xsl] Any likely prospect of lookahead/ lookbehind regex support in future XPath/XSLT?
[xsl] FO question: shaded sign-off columns
[xsl] IETF RFC 5261: An Extensible Markup Language (XML) Patch Operations Framework Utilizing
[xsl] Questions on the Functions and Operators 3.0 recommendation
[xsl] A data provider that streams XML-formatted data?
[xsl] Removing <div/> tags from HTML
[xsl] [ann] oXygen XML Editor 16 adds XSLT quick fixes support
[xsl] Re: Removing <div/> tags from HTML
[xsl] Condition "last" and force-page-count
[xsl] Wrapping nodes outside tables into paragraphs
[xsl] fo:footnote and keep preceding block with footnote question
[xsl] What is the "closure" of a function?
[xsl] How Best to Generate Result Documents from Nested Structures?
[xsl] Upgrade from XSLT1
[xsl] Alphabetical index: unstreamable?
[xsl] [ANN] Balisage 2014 Program Now Available
[xsl] XSLT Unit Testing and Coverage
[no subject]
[xsl] XPath 3.0 Functions and Operators: format-number() question
[xsl] Re: XPath 3.0 Functions and Operators: format-number() question