xsl-list /at/ lists.mulberrytech.com
Thread Index
Last updated: Thu May 01 04:25:18 GMT 2014
141 messages
- Re: [xsl] xsl compact syntax using xquery
- Re: [xsl] When to use conditional constructions?
- [xsl] Re: Turning escaped mixed content back to XML
- [xsl] Re: Demonstration web browser environment for UBL invoice form filling [XSL List]
- [xsl] Position() in apply-templates
- David Rudel - 1 Apr 2014 21:19:08 -0000
- David Rudel - 1 Apr 2014 21:47:57 -0000
- Message not available
- Message not available
- [xsl] Numeric top-level predicates in patterns
- Re: [xsl] When to use text()
- Re: [xsl] Sorting a TEI list of biblFull with the date as descendant of the author element
- [xsl] Top 10 XSLT patterns
- [xsl] backticks in regex - tales of the unexpected part II
- [xsl] Casting single-item sequences to atomic values
- [xsl] nested groups from flat file
- [xsl] update value of variable in for-each loop
- Re: [xsl] XSLT Hello World - outreach
- [xsl] Preferred declarative approach for outputting tallies based on complex triggers
- [no subject]
- [xsl] module extensibility
- [xsl] [ANN] Published: XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, XQueryX 3.0, XDM 3.0, Serialization 3.0, F&O 3.0, and XQuery 3.0 use Cases, Requirements
- [xsl] how to avoid hardcoding xpath-default-namespace in xsl:stylesheet?
- [xsl] Re: PDF to XSL-FO
- [xsl] RM: RFC: Instrinsically-defined maps?
- [xsl] Issues with xs:error in the XPath 3.0 and XDM 3.0 Recommendations.
- [xsl] What is new in the XPath Data Model 3.0 (XDM 3.0) ?
- [xsl] Any xslt translator from adobe xfa to xml using xforms?
- [no subject]
- [xsl] How to construct an instance of xs:dateTimeStamp ?
- [xsl] [ann] XPath 3.1, XQuery 3.1, and supporting specs - first public working draft
- [xsl] Specifying XSD version
- Re: [xsl] dangling attribute creation (was Re: [xsl] When to use text())
- [xsl] What is actually a "fragment" ?
- [xsl] Grouping By Column Heading (by Position, not by ID or element name)
[xsl] Changes to the List Software
[xsl] null stylesheet?
[xsl] xsl:initial-template